Gynecological Surgery Negligence, Who Is Responsible?
Gynecological surgery can include many different forms of surgical procedures, such as open abdominal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and intravaginal surgery. There also cases where the rectovaginal septum and/or the vulva could require surgery. As is the case with any type of surgery, there is a certain amount of risk that is associated, and this risk must be properly compared to the benefits of the surgery in order to determine if it is worthwhile.Unfortunately, just as is also the case with any other type of surgery, there are times when things go wrong, which can lead to subsequent injuries that could have been avoided, or should have been avoided. If this has happened to you, or someone you know or love, you should seek legal counsel to help you assess the validity of your case, and help you file a claim to recover at least some compensation for your injuries. Since most personal injury and medical negligence attorneys work on a contingency basis, there is no charge to you unless you win your case. This allows for great comfort throughout the case as you will not have to worry about mounting legal bills.
Gynecological surgery can include many specific types of medical procedures such as: hysterectomy, ovarian surgery, dilatation and curettage, anterior or posterior repair, and fallopian tube surgery. The most common form of gynecological surgery is the hysterectomy, which could be ordered because of other medical conditions such as endometriosis or cancer. A hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus and in some cases the fallopian tubes as well.Dilatation and curettage, also known as a D&C, is a type of procedure that is often ordered when a miscarriage occurs, because of uterine polyps, for heavy menstrual bleeding, and even for uterine cancer. This procedure is carried out by dilating the opening of the cervix, and then using a curette to scrape the lining of the uterus. While a D&C is often quite simple and effective, there are times when too much tissues is removed which can lead to problems later down the road with future pregnancies because of implantation issues, or infections of the fallopian tubes or the uterus.Anterior or posterior repairs may be required when the vaginal wall starts to sag, causing vaginal tissue to fall into the vagina, or because the vaginal wall becomes too thin. This condition is the result of damage that happens during the birth process. Repairs are usually made by entering the vagina to remove a small section of the tissue. The incision is then stitched together so the area no longer sags and is structurally more secure. If the procedure is not done correctly, damage to the urethra or bladder can result. This may lead to a further need for surgical repair, or the patient may have to use a catheter to drain the bladder until the area has healed.Tubal ligations are another common type of gynecological surgery, and are done in an attempt to prevent unwanted pregnancies. This procedure is done by making small incisions in the abdomen where the fallopian tubes are found. A small section of the tube is then removed; the ends are clipped, burned, or cut, and then tied. While for the most part this procedure is effective, there is still the potential for errors that can lead to future pregnancies. There have been a number of legal cases involving this type of surgery because of it not being fully effective, as well as cases where proper consent was not obtained.
Ovarian surgery is ordered for several reasons such as to remove ovarian cancer, to rid the woman of ovarian cysts, and to help with endometriosis. There are times when a complete removal of the ovary may not be required. Endometriosis spots, tumors, and cysts can often be removed while still being able to save the remainder of the ovary.The condition of endometriosis can be somewhat difficult to treat because endometriomas may be found in several different areas, including the ovaries, the uterus, the fallopian tubes, the abdominal walls, and the bowels. All of these areas need to be addressed, and they need to be removed carefully in order to avoid causing damage to surrounding tissues and areas. Endometrimoas are vascular, which can cause them to bleed at the time of surgery. There are times when this is not noticed immediately, and internal bleeding can result. Patients that experience a drop in hemoglobin levels or period prolonged pain should be assessed for internal bleeding within the pelvic or abdominal areas.One of the most common problems that is experienced with gynecological surgery is the physician's failure to diagnose a pregnancy early and promptly. Any type of gynecological surgery can have a major impact on a pregnancy, and it could be lost if surgery is conducted on the uterus or if certain medications are administered without testing for a pregnancy in advance. Even if the patient does not believe she could be pregnancy, a pregnancy test should always be done prior to any surgical procedure being done.Another common issue with gynecological surgery is that surgeons do not account for the total number or swabs or rags used during the procedure. This leads to cases of objects being left in the pelvic or abdominal cavity, which can increase the chances of chronic pain or infection occurring.If you or someone you know has suffered any type of injury because of an error on the part of a medical professional relating to gynecological surgery, you should not delay in seeking legal assistance. Since different states have different statutes of limitations,Tramon Williams Jersey, it is important to act quickly in order to protect your legal rights. There is no reason to accept this mistake, and there is no reason to allow the medical professional to get away with what has happened. You should take action to protect yourself, your future, and recoup some of the loss that you have suffered. While the damage cannot be undone, you can help to rebuild the pieces of your life.
For information on , visit the Philadelphia law firm website FeldmanShepherd.
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